Liedown1's tab sweep(s) across multiple windows and many moons

Extreme Unawareness-Excessive Beeping-Hyperconnection. Golin, Ilaria, 2021.

A small segment in which she recounts digging through files and requesting government data to figure out what a sore-thumb building was doing in her hometown of Thiene, Italy. It's stainless-steel, in contrast with a "fascist-looking ivory-coloured building" in the same area. She writes about getting a Nokia phone and hyperconnectivity, the anxiety and strangeness that has come with it, dependence and attachment both reassuring and dreadful, all-consuming. The last two descriptors were moreso my interpretation.

"(2009) When I was little I could not text when eating. It was almost a sacred time. No phones in your hands. It was not respectful of others nor was it of food. That rule annoyed me. I could be reached everywhere, everytime, still not at my kitchen table, not at dinner or lunch time. The same applied to Sunday mass- another sacred space, a bubble, where it seemed like messages could be forwarded to. No signals there.
(2021) Now, it is as if that very signal actually propagated everywhere. No more remote locations, no more 'holy' spaces to get to. I can text anywhere, anytime. I was dreaming of that when I was a teen. I feel oppressed now about it. Do I really want to be available at all times, by just everyone?"

aRT uNDER nEOLIBERALISM. A roundtable, 2021.

"Drawing on the central topic of this issue, is aesthetic, artistic, or political radicality in art still possible under the neoliberal condition?" < One of the primary questions of this roundtable of eight, and a question that has been gnawing at me for some time after reckoning with neoliberalism alongside Han and Berger. Admittedly didn't get to finish read the whole today, as my eyes couldn't focus and everything i read slipped out of me like slime (complaint of a covid positive in early September). "If action presupposes intentionality, teleology, act, an interest that conditions and holds together a movement occupied and preoccupied with things (pragmata), then mutation, whose only possible event is that of the continual variation of nature, constitutes the nonbeing of the pure heterology that becomes without arriving at anything, nor at anything's beginning, because it does not set out from any particular thing. Mutation performs the absolute pause of the horizon of action, of the act, of being. Nothing can act where the only event is that of variation, the open wound of becoming that does not act, does not arrive at declarations, borders, edges."

Definition of Freeform [Radio]. Kathleen M. O'Malley.

Freeform radio and the ethics of radio at large are absolutely fascinating to me, beyond that they tend to mean the world to me. It's such a glittering field and interest in my eyes i often get overwhelmed... An approach to radio programming in which a station's management gives the DJ complete control over program content...Their ideology tends to be liberal or radical, though their program content is not usually overtly political...Many DJ's mix diverse musical styles, engage in monologues between music sets and/or accept callers on the air...The only rules that free-form DJ's are bound by are FCC regulations such as station identification and restrictions on foul language."
Freeform has also been altered in the sense that, today, some radio stations exist soley online... and thus are free from the restrictions and regulations. They are rarely listened to as often as broadcasting/traditionals are, though- you kinda have to know they exist before you can listen to them. A great example of this is BRAD, Bennington College's radio station. It goes silent pretty often because monitoring and upkeep is slim to none, but those rich kids can say whatever the fuck they want and it can be pretty entertaining.

Archive YouTube NOW! Melooon and forum members, 2023.

I applied to a job as a library page and talked big game about my primarily aspiration, becoming an archivist. This thread reminded me to get back on it, meaning studying and digging into what archiving is, does, means [to me and others]. Here archival work is in my favorite form: utterly detached from institutions. The big trouble with this is suddenly we can't really gather all of this practically, host it anywhere practically. There's gotta be something out there, a way to do so without relying again on a corporation/etc like Google Drive, but for now i don't know what that is, or how it would be possible to get that space big enough and known enough to shelter and preserve what all rogue archivists save.

Diagram Website- An internet map

Just... browse. Nearly any term you could wish for within the web revival movement's grasp.

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