Apple Peace Symbol

My butch role model...

Bruce Springsteen.

Butch fashion musts...

Things sturdy and genuinely durable, no faux or fakes or plastic or logos unless it's some sportsteam or local plumbing service; gotta look like you robbed the set of Brokeback Mountain or Rebel Without a Cause or The Outsiders.

Butch fashion crimes...

"White pants. I don't care what else you're wearin', it just makes ya look like a metrosexual who's scared of using a toilet plunger."

Cool butch names...

Initials, but i mostly fall for old names, whether it's more masculine like Rod or feminine like Dana. Unbeatable!

Bad butch names...

Names catering to a modern 'niche' aesthetic or just plain over-used, like Kai, Ollie, Dionysus, Ash, Casper...

My early life as a butch was...

Fairly easy, rode by just fine and would've rode by perfect if it weren't for dysphoria and the hallucinations and misery it brought on. Desperately lonely in every sense. Family was uncomfortable but relented.

A low point of being butch...

Terfs, always. Uncertainty, too, this sort of reckless exploration of everything and swinging back here.

A high point of my butch life...

Watching myself come together, materially at least.

Hey there
My name is
I take things as they are.
butch, dyke, faggot, etc., he-she, otter, pansy, queer liberationist, sex-averse, stealth, stone, transsexual
And you?